Off-campus Printing Services are no longer available. All printing must be done on-campus.

Instructions on How to Use Web Print

Web Print is a service to enable printing for laptop, wireless and unauthenticated users without the need to install print drivers. The following are the instructionson how to use it:

  1. Visit the FAU Printing Services portal at
  2. Select the "Web Print" option from the left menu, and then click on the "Submit a Job" link.

    Web Print

  3. Select the printer, and go to the next step (step #2).

    Web Print

  4. Specify the number of copies that you want, and then go to next step (step #3).

    Web Print

  5. Upload the document that you want to print from your device, and then go to next step (step #4).

    Web Print

  6. Your document is ready in the queue, so that it can be release at the printer.

    Web Print